R. Stephen Lynch

Senior Executive Consultant

R. Stephen Lynch (Senior Executive Consultant) | Steve-Lynch---web

Mr. Lynch is a nationally recognized expert in the fields of Solid Waste Management Planning and Solid Waste Project Financing. Mr. Lynch is also an SEC Registered Municipal Financial Advisor.

Mr. Lynch has completed over $4 billion of municipal and private sector financings for Solid Waste projects throughout the US, including the co-development and $144 million financing of the Lisbon (CT) WTE plant for the Eastern Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority (ECRRA), the $45 million restructuring and refinancing of the Hudson Falls (NY) WTE facility and the expansion of the City of Albany's (NY) Landfill Gas to energy project, among others. Past and current advisory clients include The United States Senate, The National Solid Waste Management Association, The National League of Cities, New York City Economic Development Corporation, New York Environmental Facilities Corporation, the City of Montreal, the Government Development Bank of Puerto Rico, Energy Answers Puerto Rico, Williams Industries Barbados, Sunedison Caribbean and NRG Caribbean.

Mr. Lynch has served on the Board of Directors of the Dutchess County NY Resource Recovery Agency and as Director of Renewable Energy Projects for the Schooner Bay Institute, Grand Abaco, Bahamas. He is currently the administrator of ECRRA, where he manages a 500 tpd WTE facility.

Memberships and Certifications

  • Guest Lecturer Applied Environmental Economics, Bowdoin College, Cornell University
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