

Waste Plastics Composition Analysis

Confidential Technology Developer | Confidential, NA | Completed: 2015

MSW Consultants has been retained as an ongoing technical advisor to evaluate the availability and mix of waste plastics for a European facility developer that has recently initiated its North American expansion strategy. For this project, MSW Consultants performed a characterization study of plastics and other potentially recyclable materials being disposed at a transfer station in the Southeast U.S. 

The plastics processing technology in question has been proven internationally and has been shown to perform optimally under specific proportions of various resins. This study investigated the local waste stream compatibility for deployment of the technology.  In addition to the plastics analysis, the composition study investigated the incidence of other potentially recyclable materials—including corrugated cardboard, mixed paper, bottles, cans, metal and wood—that might be targeted in addition to plastics if the project proceeds.

 MSW Consultants worked closely with the technology developer and host transfer station owner in developing the sampling plan and field data collection protocol. Results of the study are confidential.