MSW Consultants was diligent in representing the County to ensure funds would be available for the next ten years to sustain County initiated integrated waste management programs. I highly recommend MSW the were very conscious of our needs and I trust they would be for any client.
- Duane Dellecker, Director, Carbon County Dept. of Solid Waste
I want to thank you again for the excellent work you and your team provided on behalf of the Department in undertaking the Iowa Statewide Waste Characterization Study...I have received positive comments from Iowa's solid waste management community and the participating landfills and transfer stations in particular.
- Tom Anderson, Executive Officer II, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Land Quality Bureau
With his extensive waste management industry expertise, [MSW Consultants President] Walt Davenport developed a methodology and implemented a system that has enabled us to equitably provide waste management and recycling access to tenants with an equitable charge-back structure across our twelve-mall portfolio. Walt clearly possesses the operational and financial know-how to solve out-of-the-ordinary waste management needs such as ours.
- Deb Tageson, Manager Retail Operations Manager, King of Prussia Mall (PA)
MSW's staff were professional, responsive, and thorough in their efforts. Their ability to communicate effectively with all levels of the City government, including city management, public works management, legal counsel, union representatives, and operations staff, greatly enhanced the acceptance of their work. I would work with MSW Consultants again in the future, and highly recommend them to any local government needing to improve operations or cut unnecessary costs.
- Brian Morgan, Esq., Former Corporation Counsel, City of Poughkeepsie
As a result of MSW Consultants' professional expertise and their ability to deal effectively with the general public and elected officials, Liberty County's solid waste financial performance has gone from an annual deficit of over $600,000 to a net annual surplus, placing the County on firm footing to plan and implement future program improvements to better serve our customers.
- David C. Sapp, Director, Liberty County (Georgia) Solid Waste Authority
If you haven't had your waste sort yet let me assure you it is painless. Susan and Cynthia were here this morning, set up and quickly sorted the waste, tore down, cleaned up and were out in less than 90 minutes. All I had to do was open the door and let them in. I am looking forward to seeing the results!
- Jenny Kedward, Environmental Specialist - Dakota County
In a time of financial shortfalls and increasingly limited local disposal capacity, [MSW Consultants principal] John Culbertson provided us with an excellent overview of long term waste disposal options and performed the detailed analysis needed to create a system benefit charge that will place Frederick County's solid waste system on firm financial footing. Equally important, John helped us present the results of the analysis to the County Commissioners in a clear and concise manner.
- Robin Davidov, Executive Director, Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority
The Maryland Recycling Act (MRA) requires all Maryland counties and Baltimore City to recycle from 20 to 35 percent (depending on population) of waste generated. By 2020, Maryland has established a voluntary waste diversion goal of 60 percent, and a voluntary recycling rate of 55 percent.
The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) works toward Maryland's waste diversion goals by partnering with jurisdictions and the public and private sectors to develop markets for recyclable materials and by working with other State agencies to increase the volume of materials diverted from landfills. Like many state environmental agencies, MDE recognizes the importance of establishing a baseline snapshot of the disposed waste stream for use by stakeholders intent on reducing landfill disposal and increasing diversion. In 2016, MDE partnered with the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority (NMWDA) to design and perform the state's inaugural state-wide waste characterization study.
MDE and the Authority established a budgetary and operational framework for the 2016 Maryland Statewide Waste Characterization Study (2016 Study). MSW Consultants was retained to design and perform a comprehensive research protocol for the 2016 Study within this framework. MSW Consultants subsequently performed the field data collection, analyzed results and developed the state's first-ever comprehensive waste characterization study. This analysis integrated field data collection at nine of the state's disposal facilities with two other waste characterization studies performed by Maryland counties. MDE is reviewing the draft report at this time