

Solid Waste Consulting & Evaluation Services

Sevier Solid Waste, Inc. (SSWI) | Pigeon Forge, TN | Completed: 2021

Solid Waste Consulting & Evaluation Services | 7993

Sevier County, TN is a high-volume tourist/vacation destination with easy access to the Great Smoky Mountain National Park (GSMNP), as well as attractions and a strong hospitality industry in the cities of Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, and Sevierville. Sevier Solid Waste, Inc. (SSWI) was established through an interlocal cooperation agreement between the cities and Sevier County in 1988 and manages all waste generated within the county. SSWI operates a C&D Landfill, a Class I Landfill, and a unique MSW Compost Facility that processes incoming MSW through biodigesters to recover compostable materials prior to landfilling the remaining residual materials. Growth in generated tonnages in recent years was resulting in operational challenges for the municipal haulers and the facility as peaking seasonal tonnages began exceeding operational capacity and the backup Class I landfill was being used more frequently and shortening the life. MSW Consultants was hired to conduct an operational and financial overview and evaluation for SSWI, the cities of Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Sevierville, and Sevier County. Collections programs, staffing and organization, funding mechanisms, and rate structures were evaluated for all as well as facility operations, life, and future planning for SSWI. Specific recommendations were made to bolster human resources and operations throughout with supporting policies and fee structures to address issues at hand and ensure future waste management capacity for the region.

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