

Collection System Restructuring Evaluation

City of Poughkeepsie | Poughkeepsie, NY | Completed: 2020

Collection System Restructuring Evaluation | WIN_20190826_10_46_14_Pro

The City of Poughkeepsie provides refuse, recycling, and bulky waste collection service to its single-family residential sector and a small subset of multi-family apartments. The City wanted to have the capacity within its collection services evaluated to determine the requirements to accommodate a larger customer base. MSW Consultants was retained to quantify the opportunity for expanding collection services to multi-family apartments, schools, and government buildings in an effort to increase scale and improve productivity. In parallel, MSW Consultants also built a financial cost-of-service model to validate the City's sanitation rates. This model allocated system operating, capital, and management & administrative costs to each collection service and customer class. The financial cost-of-service model was then used to evaluate the impact of collection system changes including implementation of cart-based refuse and cart-based recycling collection; reduction in refuse collection frequency from twice per week to once per week; reduction in recycling collection frequency from weekly to every other week; and establishment of a rate policy for bulky item collection that provides a baseline service to all customers but charges for excessive or recurring bulk waste set-outs. Following collection alternative analysis, MSW Consultants developed, administered, and summarized a citizen survey to gain input in the direction of future programs. Presentations were given to the Mayor and staff and a public meeting was held.

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