

Recyclables Composition Audit

Polk County | Winter Haven, FL | Completed: 2020

Recyclables Composition Audit | Photo Oct 30, 1 27 13 PM

Polk County contracts with Waste Management for the processing and marketing of Recyclables from the County's unincorporated areas. Recyclables are delivered by contract haulers to the County Recyclables Transfer Station. This agreement allows for either the processor or the County to perform a recycling composition audit at routine intervals during the contract in order to update aspects of the pricing arrangement. The County retained MSW Consultants to audit the composition of 30 randomly selected inbound recycling loads in a recent update. MSW Consultants performed a week-long composition analysis at the County Recyclables Transfer Station, where MSW Staff selected inbound loads of recyclables based on a random sampling approach. Portions of these loads were taken from randomly-selected approach angles and at varying heights above the floor with the assistance of a loader and operator, whereupon material was deposited into 95-gallon roll-carts for sample pre-weight confirmation and storage. Sample materials were sorted into 24 county-approved material categories, weighed, and recorded with MSW Consultant's proprietary cloud-based data management platform. Results of the study were delivered both via our web-based data management platform and also in a summary report.