

Waste Characterization Study

City of Greeley | Greeley, CO | Completed: 2023

Waste Characterization Study | 03-07-23_Table-Sorters_Optmized2wmask

Located an hour North of Denver, the City of Greeley is one of the fastest growing communities in the State of Colorado. Currently, the City has no set policy or goals related to waste diversion activities and features an open-market solid waste collection system.
Facing rapid growth in the coming years, the City applied for and received a Front Range Waste Diversion grant to evaluate policy options related to waste diversion within the City. To this end, MSW Consultants was retained to develop and execute a comprehensive waste characterization study to baseline the City's residential waste stream and quantify opportunities for future enhancements to recycling and diversion programs. 
MSW Consultants and the City coordinated with local haulers and landfill operations staff to collect and sort samples of residential refuse collected throughout the City. These samples were sorted into 51 material categories. Field operations for this study were divided into two one-week seasons, one taking place in the winter, and the second taking place in the summer. As of this date, the winter season of field operations is complete, with the summer season scheduled for June. Results from both seasons will be compiled in a detailed report analyzing the findings and providing observations. This study will assist in the development of data-backed solid waste policies, goals, and objectives for the City moving forward.

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