


Material Stream Characterization

The U.S. waste stream is incredibly diverse.  It varies over time.  It varies depending on the generator.  The value of the nation's waste stream has been estimated in the billions of dollars, and its uses include supplying recyclables to a variety of end markets, energy for homes and businesses, and composts and soils for a variety of uses.  Yet, extracting this value is no easy task.  Numerous clients - from the smallest generator to the largest states - stand to improve their ability to extract this value by understanding what is in their waste stream.

MSW Consultants is a national leader in developing statistically representative sampling plans, executing complex field data collection programs, and analyzing and interpreting material stream composition data to inform a wide range of waste, recycling and sustainability stakeholders at the macro and micro level.  We are deeply experienced in all aspects of this specialized work, with leading experts on the operational and analytical methods that are needed to conduct these projects accurately and cost-effectively.  Our field data collection teams are safety-certified by independent safety auditors.  We offer comprehensive, high value solutions.

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